Thursday, March 15, 2007



I'm Star_song, and this is my post!

Let's see...

Today was my first day of CHAP, otherwise known as Co-op.

CHAP is a homeschooling association that stands for...oh, I forget.

Homeschooling kids get together, ostensibly to learn, but really just to have fun. Oh, and it's a great defense against the public schoolers' accusations that we don't socialize enough.

I have two classes: Phoblography and Painting with Acrylics.

I like both, but this assignment is for Phoblography, so if I do decide to talk about CHAP, I'll probably talk about that class.

Sorry, Mrs. Jones.

Phoblography is taught by Mr. Cranky, who is our hilarious and schizophrenic teacher. Gak, here he comes! Excuse me, if you need me, I'll be right over there, running for my life...

1 comment:

Jim Chandler said...

Shizophrenic? Who, me? Yes, you! What? Stop talking to me. I didn't say anything. Did too. Did not. Did too.....