Saturday, March 17, 2007

Five Ways to Drive Your Parents Mad

I’m back!!!!!!!!!!
I’m feeling really hyper today…
Let’s see…what should I do?
I know!
Five Ways to Drive Your Parents Mad, coming up!

1. Squash your little sister in the trash can and tell your angry parents that all you did was ‘throw away the trash.’
2. When you’re in time out, make a loud racket, banging off the walls and everything, and when your parents come up to find out what’s going on, tell them you’re just ‘thinking, and this helps me to think.’
3. When you’re mom is slapping you, hum a little ditty that you know your mother can’t stand, like ‘Toxic’ by Britney Spears and laugh uncontrollably.
4. When he grounds you, claim you have to use the computer for your homework and then blast music throughout the house at full volume, preferably something your father can’t stand, like, ‘Tipsy’ by J-Kwon.
5. When you’re thrown out into the cold, paint your house a brilliant rainbow, then report your parents to the police station for abandoning a minor.

There you go! By now your parents have got to be frothing at the mouth. Wait...*angry mob chasing after you* I... take... no... responsibility... for... any... children... damaged... in... the... making... of... this... scientific... experiment... help.... *angry mob reaches me*

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