Thursday, May 3, 2007

Video Games

You ever notice how much like a video game life is nowadays? Here we go. We wake up in the morning to the beep, beep of the alarm clock. You jump up and glance at it—whoops, five minutes late! Grabbed for the controller a little too late; first crash of the day, first life lost.
Run to get dressed and all, navigate here and there, right! Narrowly avoid the baby, left! Veer away from that wall, stop! Almost run into your little sister with a bowl of cereal in her hands, go! Gear into action to wolf down your own bowl of cereal and run out, late for wherever you’re going today.
Sprint into the car, glance at your wristwatch, shoot, fifteen minutes late. Everyone else is whizzing past you now, you’re fifth and last place. Poor Mario!
You start a chant of “Mom! Hurry up! Mom! Hurry up!” Mario’s little trademark insane cackly thing.
So goes the rest of the day. Ring ring! Oh, that’s the sign for an extra bonus! You veer right to grab it just in time, a call from your best friend. Bzzz bzzz! Bad sign, but can’t veer fast away, grab the call from your mom telling you that you forgot to clean your room.
Crash! You just crashed into Peach’s car! Shoot, you just loudmouthed the clique queen of the entire school/church/work area. Uh oh….you’re in trouble. Fifteen minutes later, definitely last place now, struggling to keep ahead, bruised and battered…veer over to the left and battle with other cars for fuel, otherwise known as lunch and dinner.
Finally, whew! You limp into the finish line. Not first place, not even second place, but a dismal third……aw, maybe you’ll do better tomorrow. But you know what? You wouldn’t give this up—not for a quiet life in the countryside, not for a long vacation. Hey, you’d miss the excitement! The sharp turns left and right, the adrenaline pumping through your veins, the way everything is touch and go? Just like you’re addicted to your PS2, it’s brain-washing you, and all you can think about is Mario.

Or whatever video game character kids are playing with these days. Mario’s the only one I know about….hehehe, out of touch, aren’t I?


weston pics said...

I like video games!

Star_song said...

Yes, Weston, I noticed. You and every other adolescent boy in the United States. *sigh*