Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Just So You Know

Hey y'all.
I probably won't be updating this stuff much anymore, because I've got a new blog that I want to try out. So if you want to read those, go ahead. But let me warn you, my style's gonna be a little different. Mainly stories I wrote. So If you want those, go ahead too.
(They're mainly Harry Potter fanfiction.)
Okay. The link is right there in my link stuff. My New Blog. Go ahead, check it out! *hint hint nudge nudge wink wink*
And leave a comment! *blatant hint cough cough*

Friday, August 3, 2007


He was always laughing. No matter what he did, there was always that hint of a smile dancing around his face, a gleam of amusement in his eyes. With every subtle joke he played on you, every comic prank, the gleam would grow until it was no longer a gleam but a hint and then an outburst of laughter, both infectious and hateful to your ears.

You hated him for it. He would never be serious, never sober. You could be crying, sobbing, hysterical and he would just stand there with his enigmatic, charming, hateful smile on his face. I never saw anything that could wipe it off.

Mercurial, solid, so self-confident that you wanted to smack him, flitting from person to person, always with that ghost of a smile on his face. You always wondered if he took you seriously, or if he was laughing at you from behind his smile.

And then he would smile at you, differently, a long, slow smile that spread across his face and you knew it was as serious as he had ever been in his life, and you discovered that you liked him after all, and the world stopped on his smiling as he smiled, just for you.

Legend has it that he was smiling as he died. I believe it. Death would not be a bogey monster to him, just another adventure for him to conquer, for him to explore. And he would be laughing as he did it.

Thursday, May 31, 2007


On a more serious note than my last post, I was just wondering about the sadder side of life. Like the time when you thought nothing would ever be all right again, or when you just broke up with your boyfriend/girlfriend and you thought the world would come to and end? Only it didn't, did it? The world went on. And in some ways that's kinda annoying. Just found out the world doesn't revolve around you after all.
But without pain, is there really much meaning to life? I mean, if you've never tasted lemon juice, how would you know how sweet chocolate is? If all you've ever listened to is classical music, how would you know how sweet it sounds until you hear the honking of a truck? Doesn't pain just make you savor the sweet moments of life all the more?
On the other, darker side, some people never really do recover from pain. Suicides, murders, all these things you hear about in the news--isn't pain what drove them to it? Depression, for one thing. I found these pictures on the Internet, and they just made me wonder, what kind of person would make these photos? Depressed? Angry? Suicidal? Crazy? (If you're looking at this post, creater-of-these-photos, then no offense.) So...there's no real point to this post, except just to hear myself talk....and that is the point of this blog....right?

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Thursday, May 3, 2007

Video Games

You ever notice how much like a video game life is nowadays? Here we go. We wake up in the morning to the beep, beep of the alarm clock. You jump up and glance at it—whoops, five minutes late! Grabbed for the controller a little too late; first crash of the day, first life lost.
Run to get dressed and all, navigate here and there, right! Narrowly avoid the baby, left! Veer away from that wall, stop! Almost run into your little sister with a bowl of cereal in her hands, go! Gear into action to wolf down your own bowl of cereal and run out, late for wherever you’re going today.
Sprint into the car, glance at your wristwatch, shoot, fifteen minutes late. Everyone else is whizzing past you now, you’re fifth and last place. Poor Mario!
You start a chant of “Mom! Hurry up! Mom! Hurry up!” Mario’s little trademark insane cackly thing.
So goes the rest of the day. Ring ring! Oh, that’s the sign for an extra bonus! You veer right to grab it just in time, a call from your best friend. Bzzz bzzz! Bad sign, but can’t veer fast away, grab the call from your mom telling you that you forgot to clean your room.
Crash! You just crashed into Peach’s car! Shoot, you just loudmouthed the clique queen of the entire school/church/work area. Uh oh….you’re in trouble. Fifteen minutes later, definitely last place now, struggling to keep ahead, bruised and battered…veer over to the left and battle with other cars for fuel, otherwise known as lunch and dinner.
Finally, whew! You limp into the finish line. Not first place, not even second place, but a dismal third……aw, maybe you’ll do better tomorrow. But you know what? You wouldn’t give this up—not for a quiet life in the countryside, not for a long vacation. Hey, you’d miss the excitement! The sharp turns left and right, the adrenaline pumping through your veins, the way everything is touch and go? Just like you’re addicted to your PS2, it’s brain-washing you, and all you can think about is Mario.

Or whatever video game character kids are playing with these days. Mario’s the only one I know about….hehehe, out of touch, aren’t I?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Felling of a Tree

So at last it is time.
Beneath me I can feel them.
So tiny, so insignificant
And yet in their hands they hold the power
To destroy
A lifetime of memories.
My branches quiver as they
Shouting their meaningless talk
Shove into my roots
Their sharp needles of pain.
Do they know
Do they care
That they are carelessly
All that I contain?
My memories of darkness, under the rich warm soil
Then struggling, a struggle that no man could ever comprehend,
To reach up, out,
Into what I had never seen but wanted?
Then at last, blessed sunshine,
Full of life
And all I needed to survive.
That feeling of joy
Of that intense exhilaration
And more.
I remember seeing children play at my feet
When I was but a sapling.
Their bare feet
Shinnying up my trunk
Fast as any squirrel.
Soft laughter in my branches
Children laughing, children playing
Among my new leaves.
Bouncing, giggling, romping
In a wondrous pile of color
At my feet
When the first breaths of autumn
Chilled the air.
Then they grew up
And went away.
They are dead now,
Long in their graves.
And only my memories remain.
Till these too are taken.
It will not be long now.
I rid myself of all worries
And strive
To remember.
The countless squirrels who made their home here
The sparrows that flitted around my twigs
The insects that bored into my trunk
That tap-tap of the woodpeckers after them
The fire that raged through my forest
But left me intact.
So many memories to see
So little time to see them.
The lightning that struck my neighbor spruce
The hurricane that uprooted half my forest
The war that continued on and on
Within a nation.
The assassination of a great man
Who stopped the war
With his life.
A brave and wonderful woman
Risking her life to win freedom
For so many others.
And more.
The man who had polio but went on to be
A great president.
He came and sat under my branches.
Great artists
Who painted in shapes and vivid colors
All have passed away
Nothing remains but their legacy
And my memories.
These too are being ripped away now.
Below me the men are almost through
With their cruel saws
Their harnesses.
They back away.
One more man still at his job
Till he too, runs back.
A creaking
A groaning
A whistling in my branches
A straining in my roots
Until at last
I fall.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007


My friend
Bubbling with life
And energy
Sparkling eyes and a quick tongue
Too quick.
Butterfly flitting
For beauty not for use
Laughing or
Never in between.
Trying yearning
To be what she cannot
Wanting the light
The rush
The glamour
Of the stars
To be older
Than she really is.
Smother her
Not realizing
The slow suffocation
Of her inner being.
Only seeing the thin veneer
Never the inside
Of those already lost
In it all.

Thursday, March 29, 2007



Stars dancing over you
Moonbeams soft and blue
Shine in the gathering twilight
Shine in your drowsy clouding sight
Lift up all your sorrow
Save it for tomorrow
Close your eyes and rest
May your sleep be blessed.